Creating a better approach to healthCARE

I’m J.R. Martin, MS, MSS, PA-C.

I’ve been a physician assistant for the past twenty years.

My career was inspired by my father, a caring medical doctor in rural Utah.

I watched my dad carry his medical bag to his patients’ homes. He would tend to players on the sidelines of hometown football games. His patients knew he cared about them, and I wanted my patients to feel the same way.

I earned two master's degrees and became a certified physician assistant. But I saw that healthcare was no longer the personalized, friendly service I knew. Much of it had evolved into a rushed, numbers-based system.

There were other problems as well:

  • People often base personal medical decisions on health insurance rather than medical advice.

  • Individuals feel limited in where and when they could get healthcare. Or they don’t know where to turn for guidance.

  • People suffer from preventable illnesses for lack of education or access to primary care.

  • Patients are charged thousands of dollars at the ER for non-emergency needs. (I could have resolved many issues I saw in the ER over the phone or with a quick visit to the patient's home or workplace.)

  • Medical professionals don’t have the freedom to take time with patients, listen to their problems, and help them find real solutions.

So I set out to restore a better way.

We help thousands of people avoid these types of problems.

Alive & Well has served businesses, individuals, and families for over nine years.

Our medical professionals are just a call or text away to guide you to the healthCARE you need. We come to your home or workplace to save you time and money.

Why Dr. Plumb loves Alive & Well for his team

Dr. Will Plumb is a long-time fan of Alive & Well healthcare benefits.

His staff at Plumb Dental loves provider on-site visits, the 24/7 medical line, and house calls.

Dr. Plumb has saved tens of thousands of dollars by using Alive & Well.

How Koby Taylor has saved time and money with Alive & Well

As a pharmacy owner, Koby Taylor understands the importance of personalized and accessible healthcare.

Koby especially enjoys the ability to request a house call, access inexpensive benefits for his employees, and get on-site visits from expert medical providers.

What Members Are Saying

Inspired HealthCARE